The use of drugs alone often gives a temporary effect and does not eliminate the cause of the decrease in potency. But there are also reliable methods to increase potency in men in natural ways.
Stress, poor ecology, sedentary lifestyle or excessive physical activity, malnutrition, abuse of alcohol and tobacco and other factors are often to blame for potency disorders. With age, this problem can get worse.

Seven simple rules for improving potency
In order for sex life to pass without unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to maintain the health of the body as a whole. This will help:
A balanced diet
It helps to increase potency in a man who eats:
- Food rich in phosphorus and zinc. Phosphorus improves hormone production, and zinc helps testosterone synthesis. The most phosphorus is found in pumpkin seeds and pulp, milk, cheese, lean meat, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, seafood and liver. Zinc is present in large quantities in oysters, wheat bran, dark chocolate, chicken liver, breasts and hearts, sunflower seeds, lamb, beef, egg yolks.
- Foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D. Vitamins help maintain immunity, maintain vascular elasticity, ensure blood flow to the genitals and maintain prostate health. They are found in vegetables, fruits, butter, eggs, and dairy products.

Rejection of bad habits
Rejection of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics and anabolics. The toxins and harmful substances they contain damage the production of hormones, impair the quality of sperm, and can even lead to impotence. So, for example, one of the most important requirements for the successful treatment of prostatitis is the complete rejection of alcoholic beverages.
Physical activity is also very important. A sedentary or sedentary lifestyle leads to congestion in the pelvic area. As a result, too little blood flow reaches the genitals. Regular (but not excessive) exercise in the gym will help fix this.
Prevention of venereal diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases are often the cause of sexual dysfunction. They cause inflammation of the genitourinary system. In an advanced form of the disease, the prostate, testicles and their appendages are affected. It can cause complete infertility.
Prevention of these diseases is refusal of promiscuity, use of condoms and systematic visits to the urologist.
Regular sex life
Prolonged abstinence negatively affects men's potency. Regular intercourse increases the quantity and quality of sperm and is an excellent prevention of impotence. And also, as studies show, they reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
A complete vacation
One of the factors that negatively affect men's potency is excessive work and chronic lack of sleep. To maintain a "sexual" form, a man needs at least 8 hours of sleep and proper rest.
No stress
Reduced negative emotional background. Stress, as well as insufficient rest, reduce sexual activity.
Physical exercises to increase potency
There are a number of exercises aimed at strengthening the pubic muscle, which is directly involved in increasing potency. Do these exercises at least once a day:
"bicycle" . Lie on your back, extend your arms along your body for stability and start moving your legs, imitating riding a bicycle. The exercise should be performed for at least two minutes, with a subsequent increase in time to three to four minutes.Walking in place . The legs should be raised as high as possible, ideally pressing the knees to the chest.Circular movements of the hips . Feet should be shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. First, make 20 circular movements of the hips in a clockwise direction, then 20 movements in a counter-clockwise direction.Exercise for the muscles of the buttocks . In a sitting or standing position with slightly bent knees, it is necessary to strain, hold the tension for at least 5 seconds, then relax the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat 10 or more times.Pelvic lift . Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. The legs should be bent at the knees, the feet should be shoulder-width apart and pressed to the floor. Lift your pelvis until it forms a straight line with your knees and body. Repeat at least 20 times.
Products to increase potency
It is often possible to improve potency in men without the help of expensive drugs. It is enough to regularly eat certain foods that include:
- honey;
- dill and celery;
- beef and pork liver;
- fresh garlic;
- walnuts;
- sea food;
- eggs;
- chicken breast;
- bananas and citrus fruits;
- dragoon;
- chocolate;
- ginger.
It is necessary to refuse the use of products containing soy, energy. Reduce the consumption of sweets, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Cold and hot shower
A regular contrast shower and bath with the addition of bay leaves, chamomile or pine needles will also help to increase potency at home. It is necessary to take contrast baths in the following way: pour water at a temperature of about 20 degrees into one container, and 40 degrees into the other. Alternately lower the inguinal region into one or the other vessel for 1 minute.
Preventive massage
Preventive massage of the testicles can have a beneficial effect on increasing sexual desire. This procedure is carried out daily before going to bed (but not before 1. 5 hours after eating), in a room with a comfortable temperature, with warm hands, without the use of cosmetics.
Before the massage, it is recommended to take a hot bath or wrap the testicles with a towel soaked in warm water for 5-7 minutes.
The procedure itself is performed as follows:
- cover the penis and scrotum with the index finger and thumb so that the thumbs are underneath;
- with caressing movements, keep your thumbs from the base of the penis down and from the side along the scrotum;
- alternately press the right and left testicle with your fingers;
- gently pull the skin of the scrotum forward several times, avoiding sudden movements. Then grab the base of the scrotum and move the testicles slightly downward. It is good to massage them with light circular movements.
Testicular massage is contraindicated in:
- inflammatory, infectious and cancerous disorders of the reproductive system;
- injuries to the penis and other genital organs;
- cystitis;
- diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids and other disorders);
- epididymitis.
A large number of traditional medicine recipes
Quickly at home, traditional medicine will also help you cope with sexual dysfunction.
The most popular recipes are:
- A cocktail of freshly squeezed carrot juice and honey, 50 ml before meals.
- Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of chopped walnuts to 1 glass of milk. Take once a day for 30 days.
- Pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos and add 100 g of lemongrass, let it stand for three hours. Take 200 ml three times a day for 14 days.
- Boil 100-150 g of hawthorn in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes in a steam bath. Drink 100 ml five times a day.
- Instead of regular tea to increase sex drive, you should take ginger tea. Add 100 g of chopped ginger to a thermos for 200 ml of boiling water. Let it cook. Drink 5 times a day.
- Ginseng root extract or tincture. It should be taken after agreeing on the dose with the doctor, in absence
contraindications (heart disease, hypertension).
Herbs such as catuaba and yohimbe will help to quickly increase potency immediately before sexual intercourse.
- 100 g of catuaba must be poured with 300 ml of water and kept for 5 hours.
- 100 g of yohimbe is boiled for 3 minutes in 150 ml of water.
The effect of both occurs within 30 or 40 minutes.
Mint is contraindicated for erectile problems. It has a relaxing effect. With prolonged use, the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the penis may decrease.
Medicines and food supplements
In the modern world, there are many drugs that can deal with erectile dysfunction. They should be taken with caution. Like all medicines, they have a number of contraindications. Before using each of them, it is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor in order to prescribe the correct dosage and eliminate possible side effects.
Other means
In extreme cases, the following methods can be used to solve potency problems:
- Hormonal therapy - before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory diagnosis of possible androgen deficiency, which can be the cause of sexual disorders. The essence of the treatment is to normalize testosterone levels and maintain them at the required level.
- Injections are gaining more and more popularity. Under the influence of injections, the vessels expand, the blood circulation in the genitals improves, which is why a natural erection is achieved. Effective in 70% of cases. When using injections, you must stop smoking and alcohol.
- Surgical methods - are used only in extreme cases, when all other methods do not give the desired result.
Impotence in the modern world can be faced by any man, regardless of age. But this problem can and should be solved. Knowing the methods of treatment and prevention of sexual dysfunction, every man will be able to regain health and regain self-confidence.